Reimagine Retirement Today
The Show
Be My Guest
Dr Fred Rouse
The REAL Money Doctor

Dr. Fred Rouse is a 40-year financial services veteran, the last 28 years as a Certified Financial Planner before retiring. A National multiple Award winning, International and 9x Best-Selling Author having co-authored with Jack Canfield of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” fame and International businessman and speaker Brian Tracey “Cracking the Code to Success,” Dick Vitale "Dickie V", an American basketball sportscaster "Never Give Up and Lisa Nichols the #1 international female motivational speaker "Rise Up". He developed Short Window Retirement Planning. The Only program designed specifically for people that want the option of how to retire in just 3-5 years starting with as little as $5,000.
The REAL Money Doctor
Your interview will be sent to an audience of over 18,000 highly engaged email subscribers and a multiple of that number through our Social Media audience.
The REAL Money Doctor
Dr. Rouse has been quoted in FORBES, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, USA Today & INC Magazine. His work has been on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, CNBC, Hollywood Live, BRAVO and others.

The REAL Money Doctor's Reimagine Retirement Today uses a 7 minute format.
You'll have 7 minutes to answer 7 questions with webcams on!
1. Who is your ideal client?
2. What is the problem you solve?
3. What are the typical symptoms people experience with that problem?
4. What are the common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem?
5. What is one Valuable Free Action (VFA) that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?
6. What is one Valuable Free Resource (VFR) that you can direct people to that will further help with that problem? (this is where you nominate your landing page)
7. From all your years of experience what is the most Valuable Free Tip (VFT) that you can give people?
This meeting is for being interviewed for The REAL Money Doctor's "Reimagine Retirement Today" podcast" series. We talk about all things Money, Life and Retirement.
Provided the interview goes well, it will be distributed to tens of thousands of people and we'll publish at least seven long lasting backlinks to your nominated landing page.
It's webcams on
Dr Fred will welcome and introduce you using your short bio.
Then the interview commences and you'll have just seven minutes to answer the seven questions listed above.
(These questions will be included in your confirmation email but you might want to copy them as well)
NOTE 1: Please make sure your microphone is high quality and you're in a quiet space for the interview.
NOTE 2: You need to be on a high capacity internet connection which in most cases means cable, not wireless. A hotel wireless will probably not handle this well.
Remember: The interview is conducted with webcams on, so don't be having a bad hair day!
Dr Fred Rouse

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