See Why the 30 Year Plan of Trying to Save for Your Retirement Is the Least Likely Way to get Your Ultimate Secure Retirement
This is an informational page ONLY. You Can NOT Buy anything from this page OR on the Call
IF, at some time we get to a point where we both think this is a good fit,
unlike ANY OTHER Program out there, I'm so confident that this works,
you also get a DOUBLE GUARANTEE With The Short Window Retirement Model®.
First Guarantee: This is a 15-day UNCONDITIONAL Guarantee. If in the first 15 days of the program you want your money back for ANY reason - the sun doesn’t come up, your car didn’t start, or your coffee was cold – or whatever, just email at admin@DrFredRouse.com and I’ll immediately issue a refund with no questions asked.
I’m 60+. I run a small program. I only deal with happy people. If you’re not happy with the program, I’m not going to try and convince you to stay.
If you think you found something else that will work better, faster, or easier to get you this type of result, in 20 minutes a day in just 2-4 times per month starting with a $5K-$10K account, OK. Go for it. However, please let me know what it is. I’m in the field. I’m a Certified Financial Planner and I’ve been looking for over 30 years and haven found it yet.
Second Guarantee: This is even better. I give you a full 36 month guarantee from the date of your acceptance into the program. If using the system as shown in the course and trading only one contract of corn, the system will produce profits at LEAST DOUBLE the cost of the course or we will refund every dollar you paid for the course. In order to qualify for this extraordinary guarantee all I ask is that you complete the program as designed and show me your trading charts with your back and forward testing as detailed in the course. That's more than fair.
The Short Window Retirement Planning Model® is backed by this carved-in-stone double guarantee.
Ok Dr Fred:
IF you promise that ALL of the above is true...

…if you want to take your life to the next level financially take advantage of Dr Fred Rouse and all that he’s learned and he can help you get to where you want to go
Jack Canfield International Best Selling Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul series, 250 titles and 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages

I thought I would need to be working until the day I died before I saw this. Now I see a clear path to at least a comfortable retirement and I learned how to do it in less than 2 hours a week. I just followed the steps in the course. Now, just like you said I spend maybe 15 mins a day to look at a few charts. Thanks.
- Todd M.
Syracuse, NY
Dr Fred, I didn't know anything about money and investing before I got started. This covered all the basics first. I feel like I finally know what's going on. This is the best thing I've seen in years. I finally have a way out. I don't have to worry about moving in with the kids any more. In fact, I'll have enough money soon that I can start helping them. Thanks
Chris D.
Cottonwood AZ
My husband has been laid off three times in the last 5 years. What little pension money we had, we had to use. Thanks for making the course so affordable. When I started my family thought I was crazy getting your course. Now they want to know how we're doing it and how we turned things around. Dr. Fred, your course walked us through everything. Thanks
Jen T.
Knoxville TN
I never traded before. Your course made sense to me. I feel like this is the best way for me get control of my money and my life. Thanks, Dr Fred
Tanya N.
Olympia WA

Dr Fred Rouse is The Real Money Doctor. Every time he shares content and information you should listen. He is battle tested and consistent, and has a message that hits most people right when they need it most. In a time when the majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and have less than $10,000 in savings, we need a voice like Dr Fred's to help us create a better future for ourselves.
Greg Rollett International Best Selling Author, 7 Figure Entrepreneur, Business Coach, CEO and Emmy Award winning Producer

Without a doubt, the single best investment I made in my 34 years of working. No one ever showed me how simple it really is. It would have been nice if I knew about this years ago. I would have stopped working then. I like the way I can make money every month just by spending 10 minutes looking at a couple of charts at the end of the day.
Mark A.
Athens TX
I had my own business for years. The daily hustle of trying to make money and dealing with customers, employees and suppliers got old years ago. This is the best thing I've seen in all that time. On top of being a great way to make money with almost no effort and less that 20 minutes a day, knowing how to make it totally tax free is amazing. Not one CPA, stockbroker or attorney EVER told me how to do this. Thanks Dr Fred
Joe M.
Minneapolis MN
Thanks again for access to this course. I have found it very interesting. There is a lot of information, all of which I was not even aware existed. I am excited for the opportunity, but also realize how much I don't know, and how much I still need to learn. Overall, I find the information really helpful and, again, and very grateful for the opportunity.
Zack V.
Exton PA
I'm 65 with very little saved for retirement and SS as my only income. I believe the Quiet Trader System will provide enough additional income over the course of my remaining years. And will make it possible to travel and smell the roses !!
Walt C.
Tuscaloosa AL

You definitely want Dr. Fred Rouse in your corner when it comes to setting yourself up for retirement. Dr. Fred cares deeply about his clients. He has a strong commitment to leading with integrity and serving at a high level. Dr. Fred has taken his finely tuned system, and made it accessible and safe-- so you can learn without risk, gain confidence in your ability to generate profitable trades, and then step into real action, generating real revenue for your retirement, without working tirelessly. He's the real money doctor that can save the day, by saving your retirement."
Kristin Thompson CEO Rock Your Talk & National Speaker

I expect this course will present a challenge for me but after speaking with Dr Rouse, I feel confident the knowledge and technique he developed is sound. This gives me a solid sense of curiosity and anticipation. At Age 66, I'm firmly committed to life long learning and expect the financial gains realized herein will further enable this commitment for me and my family.
Albert C.
I lost over 40% of my retirement money in the last market crash and it took me over 7 years just to get back to even. Your system has me in and out of trades in 1-4 days. The Ultimate Secure Retirement Rx will keep me out of major market crashes and still shows me how to make a large number of consistent winning trades that make money. Thanks Dr. Fred.
Mike B.
St Cloud MN
Dr Fred, I moved down to Tampa from New York city for the weather and to cut my expenses. My Social Security and small pension checks were not going as far as I thought they would. I was beginning to feel panicked. I was on facebook and I saw the video from your book launch and then got your mini course. It's like you were in my head. You described me to a T. It was a bit of a jump for me taking your course but I didn't see any other way that at least gave me a chance. I'm glad I did it. I never traded before. You covered everything. I didn't know how much I didn't know about money and how to make it. Your system made sense and was easy to learn, even for me. I'm not that young any more. I just did what you said in the course and I'm starting to make some money consistently. I'm not getting rich overnight. I am making money every month and my account is growing. I don't have that stress anymore. Instead of worrying about running out of money, now I have to figure out who I want to leave the excess to. Thanks. You've made all the difference in the world to me.
Bernie T.
Tampa FL
I'm 64 years old. I've never seen anything like this before. It would have made things much easier If I had this when I was 40. Thanks for making it so easy and affordable to get started. Now I can see how I won't have to worry about working at that diner forever. Maybe only another year or so. Thanks Dr Fred
Joan S.
Palo Alto CA
I have been looking diligently for years for a way to trade and make money that is more concrete than just hoping a trade works out and sitting on pins and needles when it goes against me and I am trying to protect myself with various other trades as to minimize a loss. I love the markets and I know that there are many ways to trade a market and I like what Dr. Fred has shown on his 2 market report sheets of statistics of actual trades in his intro video. I am happy with the leverage, with only 2 markets to trade, end of day research and only trading a couple times a month and looking at the closed trades on his report sheets it looks like he has worked out a winning system that closes with a profit a large percentage of the time. This kind of trading should fit my personality that I have been looking for. I like that he comes to his clients with professionalism and with well known affiliates and is out there in the public and his information holds up under such a spotlight. Also the course instructs and builds on the foundation of really taking a close look at where we are as a person and where we desire to be and gives instruction to help us understand the 'science' behind a full and well thought out life. I think a person can then understand how to care for and what to do with the money that he makes to ensure that the life he has well thought about and designed for himself does become a reality. I look forward to giving this course all I have and use all my energies to ensure that I fully utilize all the benefits that the material instructs to me. I have not seen anything else that comes close to what Dr. Fred offers here, so for me this is very fortunate that I found him and the course he offers and I will not let this slip by me as I know the value that this is to me and my family. I have buckled up and am ready to move ahead on my journey and destination that I have envisioned.
Curtis W.
Salem OR
Dr Fred, I never traded before. I thought that was something they just did on Wall Street. I didn’t know anything about commodities either before taking your course. I was more than a little nervous at first. The double guarantee helped, but honestly I had nowhere else to go. At 61 I was getting “eased” out of my job. With my husband on disability and his small SS check, we didn’t have a lot of money saved and my 401k was just starting to get back to where it was before the last crash. I had to do something and your course was it. The winning trades are consistent and the money is really starting to flow in every month. I’m still only trading one contract at a time but it looks like I’ll be moving up to two contracts soon and my profits should double then just like you showed in your course. I can’t thank you enough. You’ve turned around what was about to be a dismal existence to something that Marty and I can look forward to. Bless you.
Jessica B.
Modesto CA
Jessica B.
I find the trading course very optimistic , learning the rules to trading, being patient, completing journals, back testing very important, EOD Scalping or what ever type of trading you decide and knowing when to get in and get out and keep the money
Miranda H.
Philadelphia PA
Short Window Retirement Planning
....it really is possible and easier than you thought
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